This course is designed for those who want to take their work to the next level for their personal satisfaction or as a step to fulfilling professional goals as sample/test knitters or finishers. Unlike the Master Hand Knitting Program, the Professional Knitter Certification does not require that the candidate design garments, write patterns, or research and write reports. The focus of this certification is the actual knitted work. The swatches and projects will demonstrate the candidate’s ability to interpret instructions and patterns as well as identify potential pattern errors. Each module does include questions but they will require no research, just observation. Work for each module must be submitted within one year of the module’s purchase. If the deadline is missed, the course must be repurchased. The next module must be ordered within 6 month of completing the previous module. An important part of this program is time management.
Module One tests the knitter’s skill in basic techniques and the ability to work to gauge by knitting swatches. The project for this level is a toe-up sock with short-row heel construction.
Module Two tests the knitter’s ability to reproduce more complicated stitch patterns from pattern instructions. The knitter’s finishing abilities are tested by knitting and finishing two baby sweaters. This module also includes swatches for specialized finishing techniques not demonstrated in the sweaters.
Module Three provides information and tips for successfully working with designers, how to make suggestions, time management strategies, resume and portfolio building, and suggestions for how to contact designers and yarn companies. The graduation project is a “real world” situation in which the student works with the instructor to determine a time frame for completing the project, and then does so. The instructor will assume the role of the designer.
Each module of this course will cost $150. There is an additional $50 shipping fee for international enrollments, to cover the higher cost of returning the submission.
What course graduates are saying about TKGA’s Professional Knitters Certification
“Getting my Professional Knitters Certification validated my knitting skills and then improved them considerably. I am a more confident knitter now and getting the certification has resulted in a commissioned project and an offer for future work as well.”
— Mary D. from Aurora, IL
“As a new knitter, the PKC course touched on many different techniques providing experience in a small sample. It also helped me get the mindset of a professional knitter while understanding my capacity and how best to charge for my services.”
— Sarina B. from Sebring, FL
“You [Arenda Holladay] have been supportive, encouraging, beyond generous, and sharing your knowledge and extremely honest in your feedback and review, while at the same time, showing yourself to be someone that is realistic, down to earth and as unpretentious as someone could be.”
— Charles D. from Chesapeake, VA
Certified Professional Knitters
Jana Cox – Portland, OR
Trudie Bills – Burton, MI
Mia Dobkins – Topton, NC
Rae Izworski – Dearborn, MI
Diane Joel – Martinez, CA
Vicky Lee – Franklin, OH
Natalya Minkovich – Toronto, ON Ravelry ID natalyamin
Robin K. Williams – Estes Park, CO
Diane Andronaco, Cresskill, NJ Ravelry ID labraknit
Naoko Anderson – Portland, OR
Denise Bauman – Pataskala, OH
Mary Decker – Aurora, IL, Ravelry name: Marymath
Heather Kelly – Kingston, ON
Katherine Rozanski – Peuwakee, WI
Leeann Slack – Crystal Lake, IL
Sarina Burhans – Sebring, FL
Heather Heighway – Shoreline, WA
Marilyn Rogge – Fonthill, ON
Elizabeth Slowik – Palo Cedro, CA
Patricia Vela – Spring, TX Ravelry & Instagram PCVKnits
Katherine Daugherty – Albuquerque, NM
Anne Marie Foreman – Greenville, SC
Yolande Gadoury – Quebec, Canada
Maria Golberg, Edmonton, AB Ravelry ID: MariaGolberg
Jolanda Hartman – Amsterdam, Netherlands
Kelly Reilly – Evansville, IN
Jo Ellen Seay – Frankfort, KY
Bridgette Knudson – St. Charles, IL
Kimberly McKeon – Rochester, MN
Andrine Nichols – South Colton, NY
Margarete Shaw – Titusville, FL
Carolyn Vance – Vernon Center, MN