Pattern Writing Course
Pattern Writing Basics
This course will teach you how to write a quality pattern following a template. Avoid being the cause of frustration and send patterns out into the knitting world with confidence. If you’re working on the Master Hand Knitting Certification Program, you’ll love having comprehensive pattern knowledge so that you’re able to write patterns to the MHK template more easily. If you’re designing, this means less pattern support, as well as less tech editing time, and a better reputation in the industry for your pattern writing skills. You will learn the elements of good pattern writing: what information needs to be in a pattern and where to locate this information, the order in which to present it, how to write stitch patterns (both row-by-row and charted), and how to write clear instructions. This course does not include any knitting.

Instructor: This course is taught by Nancy Simet, Certified Master Knitter, and Co-Chair on the Master Hand Knitting Committee.
Who should take this course? This course is designed for knitwear designers, as well as knitters who are working through the Master Hand Knitting certification program, or any knitter wanting to write knitting patterns.
Course Structure: This course is divided into three lessons. Lesson 1 teaches you the various bits of information that need to be included in a pattern and the order in which they are usually presented. Lesson 2 covers writing directions, charts, and schematics. In Lesson 3, we put it all together to write a full pattern.
Course Requirements: Each Lesson course document walks you through the lessons and exercises. You will complete exercises and answer questions. All lessons are emailed to the instructor, and the subsequent lesson materials will be provided upon completion of the prior lessons. It is recommended that this course be completed within 12 months. Consideration will be given to those who are unable to complete the course within the recommended time frame. Upon successful completion (and membership verification), you will receive a certification of completion of this course.
Course Fee: The fee for this course is $150 and includes all lessons. Since this course is done through email, there is no shipping or handling fee.
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