Master Hand Knitting Committee Co-Chairs


Cathy Berry has been knitting for as long as she can remember. She learned by watching her mom and grandma knit.  Both were always knitting anytime they were sitting down. Cathy is the same way, with a project always going.  As a stay-at-home mom, she decided she needed a challenge for herself when her youngest went to first grade so she started the Master Hand Knitter program.  It took her about 2 years of “full time” work to complete the program. She has been on the committee since late 2011 and a co-chair since late 2017. One of her favorite parts of reviewing is reading the book reviews and traditional knitting reports and discovering new books to add to her wish list and new traditions to explore. Cathy loves sample knitting and test knitting when she’s not busy knitting her favorite socks, lace, and cabled sweaters.  Cathy’s newest challenges are delving deeper into Fair Isle knitting and learning how to use an antique circular sock knitting machine.

Edna Jenkins is a life-long resident of south central Pennsylvania.  When she was 10 years old her mother taught her to sew, and at age 14 her cousin taught her to knit.  For many years sewing was a primary focus and knitting a secondary interest.  Approximately 10 years ago she returned to knitting and the needles have not stopped clicking!

After retiring from her job as a paralegal, she worked part time at her favorite LYS.  She began the MHK program in 2016 and completed Level 3 in 2021.  Shortly thereafter, she joined the review committee.  She is enjoying the continuation of her knitting education through the review committee experiences.  Sweaters and shawls are among her favorite projects.

Her husband is a huge supporter of her yarn habit. Her daughter (married) enjoys wearing  hand knitted creations and telling her friends that her mom made it!

Joyce Jones learned to knit in an after-school class while in the 5th grade. The project was a pair of garter stitch slippers with a pom-pom on the toe.  After that, she decided she could make a blanket using those same needles. So, off she went creating her 5′ strip of 10″ wide stockinette. When it rolled up into a tube, she promptly decided this knitting stuff wasn’t for her. (While downsizing some items in her attic recently, she came across those same size 10 1/2 straight needles in hot pink. Youza!) Crochet was the next best thing because it laid flat. Then it was off to sewing and a myriad of other handcrafts over the years, but the knitting always lingered in her mind. Fast forward 20 years and she had some sheep and a friend that had a spinning wheel. She had to learn how to go from fleece to sweater! A mature friend who could knit without a pattern taught her to knit all over again and knitting became her favorite hobby. Then along came TKGA.  Knitting was no longer a hobby, but an obsession! She slowly but steadily worked her way through the Master Hand Knitting program, received her certificate in 2010 and was invited to join the review committee. How exciting to be able to help guide others as they work their way through the program! Transitioning to the position of Co-chair was another honor which took place in 2016. Joyce enjoys meeting other knitters and finds it particularly rewarding when someone experiences an ah-ha moment when struggling with a knitting technique.

Joyce has written articles for Cast On and is a teacher and presenter at TKGA Conferences and guild meetings. She creates videos to support her mini-courses, articles, and techniques featured in her published patterns. She prefers designs that stand the test of time and likes to read about knitting traditions of other lands.

While the needles and submissions are resting, Joyce enjoys spending time with her husband, working with young people at her church, and reading non-fiction.

Dorothy Waite began knitting over 50 years ago when she was still in high school. She started off throwing, but her knitting really took off when she heard that the local Sears store was teaching Continental. She switched methods and the rest is history. She knitted sweaters for her two boys as they grew and taught knitting for a while at a local yarn store in Anchorage, Alaska. Several years ago she was introduced to the TKGA group on Ravelry and started the Master Hand Knitting program. She earned her Master Hand Knitting Certification in 2020, two years to the day after she began. Her favorite types of knitting are lace and Fair Isle, and and she’s constantly designing and knitting for her very tall son, who can never find sweaters to fit.

She lives on Whidbey Island, Washington with her husband of 52 years. They have two sons, a darling daughter-in-law and two wonderful granddaughters, one
of whom is a knitter. She is a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind and hercurrent puppy is a sweet black lab named Nebbs. You can find her as  Missouristar on Ravelry.